A Warm Donation from the Reva & David Logan Foundation

January 10, 2025 21:06

Special thanks to the Reva & David Logan Foundation for making another gracious and generous donation of coats and hoodies to The Boulevard’s residents!

Since Chicago has such long and frigid winters, our residents are especially grateful for these items which will help keep them warm and healthy as they venture out for medical and supportive services appointments. This donation is just the most recent example of the Logan Foundation’s commitment to The Boulevard and those we serve.

For the past four years, this Chicago-based family foundation has been one of The Boulevard’s most generous supporters.  The Logan Foundation has funded our ongoing programs, been instrumental in supporting our Diabetes Project and inspired others by making challenge grants at our annual Gala. In addition, the Foundation is always there for us when crises and unexpected needs arise.  We were especially grateful that the Foundation made an additional gift, several months ago, to help alleviate COVID-19 related costs.

Also, we extend our sincere appreciation to Richard Logan, Logan Foundation President, Crystal Logan, Director and Jessie Mott, Program Officer, for their dedicated efforts on our behalf. We value our partnership with the Reva & David Logan Foundation and look forward to their continuing participation.

“Love it! Thank you, Logan Foundation!"

-A Boulevard Client