Get Involved

Looking to help out your community and be a part of change? Check out the ways you can get involved below.


There are several ways to volunteer for The Boulevard, including hosting a donation drive, participating in our Share-A-Meal program, helping out in our gardens, or even joining our Associate Board. 

Please contact us at or click the button below to get involved.


Share A Meal

An important part of our clients’ medical recovery is maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet. If you’d like to donate or prepare a meal for our clients, please contact us.

Spread The Word

If you’d like to help represent us at volunteer fairs, involvement fairs, or have us out to your university, high school, or organization to share our mission, contact us. 

Amazon Wishlist

The Boulevard invites you to view our Amazon Wishlist, where you'll find essential hygiene and personal items. Directly support our residents by purchasing items on the list and shipping them to our facility.

Amazon Wishlist


Our residents typically come to the House with nothing but the clothes on their back. Through the generosity of its supporters, The Boulevard provides everything residents need to restore their health and rebuild their lives. Here’s what your gift can do.

What Your Donation Provides


$5,000 can cover the costs associated with setting up a new home for one person moving into permanent housing.


$2,500 can provide one month of on-site medical respite care for one resident, including physicals, bloodwork, and more.


$1,000 can cover the cost of six months of group counseling to address residents' trauma so they can rebuild their lives.


$500 will help provide work clothes, shoes, and transportation for the first month of a client's new job opportunity.


$100 will help provide a client with documentation such as an ID or Social Security card that are critical for accessing public benefits.